On July 1, 2008 Stephanie responded to an email I had sent her

She wrote about finding peace going to the beach. She wrote:


I swear this i one of those times where you and I were thinking the EXACT same thing. I just said to Mark maybe we should ask your parents if we can use the beach house this the weekend, and then I got your email. I feel like it might be good for me(actually, for our family)to just go there and relax and let my mind have a break from the "thinking" that comes along with a day like today. When you go to a place like the beach and specifically your beach house it's easy to relax and find peace. It sounds corny but it's true. It's a very peaceful place and I think it would be good for us.

.... I'm hanging in there and staying positive I know I will get through this.

Much love,

Me ;)"

Hard to believe its been 8 years!  I think of her so often, I looked at Sam the other night-he's such a little man.  She would be so happy about that...

And, Federer is still in Wimbledon so far!

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