I have had quite a few great moments with Sam this week.  He hung out with me on Tuesday and we looked at houses in Arlington.  Had lunch at the Arlington Elevation Burger and drove by his old house.  Had a big lump in my throat while he talked about the house, size, amenities and details.  We had seen a new Craftsman style house and he walked through it with comparing the various aspects with the house he loved so much.  It's still hard to think about the day it was sold.  Of course, as an agent I understood-but,  as I sat in the basement with Sam the heart kind of shatters all over again.  

We played two sets of tennis yesterday and he hit on the back board quite a bit to practice for the tournament.  He so badly wants to win for his Mom!  How hard it must be for people who will be looking into those eyes at the tournament! Most Mondays I take Sam to his tennis lesson and then we have a bite to eat.  I have told him about the note his Mom wrote to me with some Nike slides when my USTA team was gong to Districts-"Just make them hit one more ball!"  Of course, I saved it.  I have so many little notes in her distinctive hand.  When I was talking with him about this weekend he was able to quote it when I said, "Sam, what would your Mom say?" He quoted it exactly-I like to think it "put a big smile on her face"  another phrase from an email.

This past week was a memory of a family highest of highs the memory of Susan's wedding coupled with the lowest lows, the knowledge that the evil FFing cancer was back.  We got a puppy the week after the wedding, Kelly wanted to have a dog before she went to college.  The added benefit that it could be a great diversion for Sam to come visit the puppy.  A few weeks ago beloved Daisy was hit by a car.  So many memories ... 

Sam was able to come with Kelly and I to pick up a new puppy on Wednesday-a lot of fun.  He stayed over to help and get to know her before his trip to Minnesota.  He's so excited!  Hope you all have good weather!!!

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